Company Name | SCUDO.LLC |
Business contents | Import and sale of horticultural and agricultural materials. Manufacture and sale of horticultural fertilizers. |
Company location | 67 Takeda Higashi Koyanouchi Cho Fushimi-ku Kyoto Japan ZIP 612-8448 |
TEL/FAX | +81-75-366-9194 | | |
ONLINE STORE | For product inquiries. Please contact from the chat in the online store or the inquiry form. |
For international retailer. | Based in Osaka, a historical old merchant city in Japan, we import agricultural equipment and supplies mainly from North America and Europe and distribute them to the Japanese market. To ensure your continuing business growth in Japan, we prioritize following global standard legal and compliance, such as obtaining the necessary licenses and submitting proper notification to local governments. We also provide you professional translation services as a part of our business for your product sale, product info, and customer service material to "localize your products," which will expand your business opportunity in Japan. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to expand your sales in the Japanese market. |
Company location | 67 Takeda Higashi Koyanouchi Cho Fushimi-ku Kyoto Japan ZIP 612-8448 |
October 2020 |
"Advanced Nutrients" ; Concluded a Japanese exclusive agency contract. |
August 2020 |
"Spider Farmer" ; Started selling LED lights and grow tents. |
August 2020 |
"Mars Hydro" ; Started selling LED lights and grow tents. |
August 2020 | Started selling "TurboKlone" products. |
August 2020 |
Started selling "AC Infinity" products. |
July 2020 | Started selling "Optic LED" products. |
August 2020 |
"Mars Hydro" ; Started selling LED lights and grow tents. |